The movie is about this one thing... "men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way". Harry (Crystal) says that in the beginning of the film and the entire movie follows this one thesis. Of course the movie follows the same romantic comedy dynamic that every romantic comedy does, this one however delivers on the goods. This is the greatest Woody Allen movie that had nothing to do with Woody Allen.
Deli Scene... there I referenced it. Oh and that Wagon Wheel table is awesome.
"Yes. They had the days of the week on them, and I thought they were sort of funny. And then one day Sheldon says to me, "You never wear Sunday." It was all suspicious. Where was Sunday? Where had I left Sunday? And I told him, and he didn't believe me." - Sally (Best conversation in the movie)
Director: Rob Reiner
Country: USA
Style: Romantic Comedy
Director: Rob Reiner
Country: USA
Style: Romantic Comedy
Did ya know...
Meg Ryan breaks character in the museum when Billy Crystal says to her "I would be proud to partake of your Pecan Pie." She looks off camera to director Rob Reiner who urges her to go with it. Rob Reiner makes a cameo off-camera yelling "Hey everybody! 10 seconds until New Year!" The orgasm scene was filmed at Katz's Deli, an actual restaurant on New York's E. Houston Street. The table at which the scene was filmed now has a plaque on it that reads, "Congratulations! You're sitting where Harry met Sally."