Written by Wes Craven and directed by Chuck Russel (The Blob). This incredibly dark Freddy Kruger feature happens to be one of the best of the bunch. It's definitely a step up from the original. They had gone through various re-writes of Craven's script but still came out with something that is complete and full. It really helps to strengthen the Freddy Kruger character and enrich his backstory. It's nice to actually get to see him in more than just a handful of scenes too. A group of young people at a mental facility start passing around stories of the famous child killer that stalks you in your dreams. Each of these young patients are at risk and seem to always be on the verge of committing suicide. When Kristen arrives with her tales of Kruger, it only strengthens the legend. Adding strength to the already powerful demon. Nancy Thompson arrives and starts coaching the kids through tactics that may help them against the dream killer. They learn ...
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