The Abominable Dr. Phibes is a horror dark-comedy from 1971, directed by Robert Fuest and starring Vincent Price in the lead role, alongside Joseph Cotten, Peter Jeffrey, and Virginia North. It’s a beautiful film that leans heavily on the art-direction and set design. Very vibrant and colorful for such a dark and gloomy tale. American International Pictures had seen to the distribution of the film, which did well at the box office. It’s no surprise since this is one of the greatest horror movies of all time. The setting is London in 1925. Vincent Price plays Dr. Anton Phibes, a famous musician that was believed to have been killed in a terrible accident back in 1921. He was rushing home after hearing about his wife’s demise during surgery. Phibes had survived the accident in secret but suffered damage to his throat and face. Anger and rage take control as the not-so-good Doctor exacts his revenge on those responsible for the death of his wife. Motivated by the Old Testament,...
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